Choosing an appropriate dress or attire to go to your friend’s banquet can turn out to be trickier than you thought. It is a different matter when it is a small private party with only a limited number of guests. However, when it comes to banquets, you will usually find a larger group of people for the event, and thus, it is essential that you be well dressed for the event and not look out of place. There are certain things and factors to consider when choosing the dress for a friend’s banquet, and these guidelines will help you make better attire choices for the event. Let us have a look.
Different factors impact the decision for your dress.
First and foremost, the dress you choose depends on the type of the banquet you have been invited to. The attire choice varies based on the event. For instance, if it is a wedding banquet, then you will have to go with the specific dress which is in sync with that event, and similarly, if it’s an informal banquet, then you have to dress accordingly.
Formal: If it is a formal banquet event, then the women must go with the long evening gowns or dresses. You can even go with a slightly shorter dress, but that must be in sync with the event and also how comfortable you feel sitting in that particular dress. The comfort factor is also a very vital consideration since you will be sitting and standing up a lot as you meet a lot of different people who will be attending this banquet event. The men should go with the classic coat and the tie as it is in tune with most of the formal events, and it makes them look classy and professional.
Informal: If it’s an informal event, you can experiment a bit more and go with the casual look that can be considered appropriate for the informal banquet party. Depending on what occasion it is, women can go with a casual dress or the pantsuit. When it comes to men, they can go with the t shirts, khaki slacks, or sport coats as these outfits are considered appropriate for the informal banquet events. Here one important factor that you must remember is even if it is an informal banquet event, you must experiment extravagantly and go with a over-the-top attire for the event. It can easily backfire by causing a fashion faux-pa, and it will lead to some serious embarrassment for you.

Business: If it’s a business banquet party, then women can go with the two-piece suits combined with skirts or pants. If you are wearing the skirt, then you must ensure that the skirt is slightly above the knee or below the knee when in a sitting position. It shouldn’t go too high and must be appropriate, keeping in mind the event’s formal nature. On the other hand, the men must go with the jacket, sport coat, and a tie to complete the package.