This season the shoe trends have been quite varied. Coming from the pandemic, most of them were based on comfort as well as looking chic. So, a lot of importance was not given to heels. But for those who are heel lovers and definitely need some height. There were a …
About Summer Skin Care: Sunscreen
You need to up your SPF game, as soon as the Summer approaches. You need to avoid wrinkles, the perspiring sticky mask that sticks to your skin. The sunscreens have changed drastically and are no longer white smears. This new generation of sunscreens has no such issues but imparts you …
Follow in Body Shaper Trends on FeelinGirl
Full Body shapers have evolved throughout the years. Shapewear was known to contain whale bones, iron, and other metals in its early known years of usage. However, it was a girdle that was considered to be the first-ever used body shaper that has linen fabric and leather materials. Nowadays, body …
Best Stylish Square Neckline Dresses for 2021
We can all agree that the best clothing you can wear in a special event or wedding is a dress. Today I’m going to show you the best, and stylish square line dresses you will surely like. Square neckline dresses are getting more popular day by day because you can …
Do You Want to Build A Perfect Figure in Summer
For most of the world, summer time is nearing and for the other part of the world, summer is saying goodbye. While the focus of this post might be on building a perfect body for summer… Remember that you can work on achieving it all year round. Actually, I believe …
5 Most Popular Ear Piercings
Earring piercings have evolved drastically in this last decade! Before, having just one ear piercing is enough for every woman, but now we’re seeing different kinds and piercing styles that have been a part of every lady’s fashion statement. If you’re going to look around, you’ll find different ear piercings …
The Sweater Dress is the Perfect Spring Outfit
Although the weather is turning warm, we are not about to start loading on turtleneck sweaters or cashmere, but we still need something warm and cozy that is not too stifling but provides a sense of comfort. So, what better outfit than your sweater dress, or a crochet knit dress. …
Reviews on 5 Most Comfortable Sweatpants
Sweatpants are very relatable when your life is low pace driven, out of style and when you just want to binge watch your favorite shows or just lay low. They are merely nothing but driving oneself towards more cozy and comfort zone at a personal level. The covid-19 situation and …
5 Reasons You Should Make the Switch to Shapewear
Shapewear isn’t a new trend that has suddenly popped everywhere. This type of clothing has been in use for ages but today everyone wants to try on this garment, but before it was quite uncomfortable and painful. In the past, shape wears available in the market were difficult to wear, …
The High Waisted Jeans You Can’t-Miss
High-waisted jeans are one of the trendiest designs that are not going anywhere – and that’s a blessing since high waist tend to be globally flattering. It does not really make any difference if you are petite, tall, curvy or lanky they elongate your legs and make the best out …